🏦About My Wallet

When you create an Ethereum wallet, a randomly generated string of case-sensitive letters and numbers, referred to as a public address or public key, is associated with the wallet.

Example of public address: 0xDC25EF3F5B8A186998338A2ADA83795FBA2D695E

It might look scary, but this harmless little number sequence is unique to you, and can be seen as similar to an email address. Whenever you make a peer-to-peer trade on Augur, you send and receive your money and shares from this public address. Wallets also have a private key, which you can think of as a password required to access the funds in your wallet.

Example of private key: 8da4ef21b864d2cc526dbdb2a120bd2874c36c9d0a1fb7f8c

Similar to a bank account, wallets allow you to receive and send funds from it. However, unlike a bank account, if you lose your key to your wallet, there might be no way you can help you regain access to it. Always keep your private key a secret and ensure that you have it safely backed up elsewhere.

In addition to you private key, you will be given a backup phrase that will help recover access to your wallet in the instance you lose access.

Augur, the application, nor its developers have no ability to recover your wallet if you lose your private key and backup phrase.

Types of wallets

  • πŸ–₯️ Desktop wallets run on Windows, macOS, and Linux and allow users to interact with their crypto assets. Read more about the pros and cons, as well as examples of desktop wallets here.

  • πŸ“± Mobile wallets operate the same as desktop ones but run on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Read more about the pros and cons, as well as examples of mobile wallets here.

  • 🌐 Web wallets are hosted on websites and are accessible on both desktop and mobile devices. Read more about the pros and cons, as well as examples of web wallets here.

  • πŸ”§ Hardware wallets are the most secure method for accessing your crypto assets online. A hardware wallet uses a secure physical device to verify your identity. Read more about the pros and cons, as well as examples of web wallets here. Note: While Augur does not directly support the use of hardware wallets, you can use one via MetaMask. Learn how to connect a hardware wallet to MetaMask here.

Last updated